TURP (Transurethral Resection of Prostate), prostatectomy is the surgical procedure done to treat problems of the urinary system which is caused by enlarged prostate. Prostate is the male gland which is responsible for creating semen. TURP is an incision less process where a device is inserted into the penis and the specialist is able to visualise the blockages and trim away the enlarged part of the prostate tissue. TURP is usually an option or considered fruitful when the patient has moderate to severe urinary symptoms. Other than enlarged prostate, TURP may be used to treat further complications arising from urine blockages such as, recurring UTI’s, Damage caused to kidneys or bladder, stones in bladder, hematuria.
Even though there are no cuts or incisions made on the outer part of the body, however the recovery from TURP would need certain care and consideration. Moderate side effects might also be there and therefore it is essential to discuss it thoroughly with your doctor.
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